"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Well my weekend didn't go quite as I had planned...if you read in my last post you know that I was going to Baltimore to the George Strait concert...we it was postponed until April. Can you say bummed? Apparently George had to cancel his Thursday, Friday, Saturday night concert due to larengitis. Just my luck, I guess I shouldn't have been looking so forward to it. Oh well, we get to go in April when he has been rescheduled. It wasn't a totally wash though, because we still went down and spent the night, we had a lovely hotel room, although we weren't there much. We strolled the streets of the city and then had a lovely dinner at a seafood place called Mo's Seafood in the Inner Harbor. It was cold, but it was such a clear night. We had such a good time with our friends and just hanging out. Darting in here and there and grabbing coffee, to keep warm. We headed back to the hotel around 10ish and I was pretty beat. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow. And then the strangest thing happened, I slept till 6:30 or so.....I know that doesn't seem like anything exciting to anyone, but for me, the girl that gets up at 4, it's a big deal. Because on the days I don't work, I still wake up. So that was a sweet treat. Actually was up for just a little bit and then dozed off again, and didn't get up for good until 8:30 or so. Michael and I didn't leave the hotel until around 10:30. That is very unusual for us.
On Sunday we headed to the big Barnes and Noble store in the Inner Harbor and I spent 2 hours browsing books. I actually got three things. I will share more about them in another post.
This is a busy week for me, between work and Tori's activites I am hopping. She has Drivers Ed every night for two weeks. She has to be there at 6:30 until 9:45. So it makes a long day for both of us. Anyway, I wanted to post a little blurb, but I am heading out the door in a few, and really need to go and do my hair. I grabbed a shower when I got home from work so that my hair would dry before I had to go out.
Again, I know this isn't much of a post, but wanted to let you all know that I am still around. Just buisy. Hope your having a lovely night.
God Bless!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Weekend Plans

Last night I spent a little time working on my (new) home site. It will take me a bit of time to get it ready, but will work on it as time allows. I am very excited about creating these two additional sites, as my home and cooking are passions of mine. I have felt for a while God prompting me to share with others more openly in these areas. I've prayed about these sites, because I truly would want them to bless other women with the same likes and passions. But I feared not having the time to do it or doing it well. But I have felt that instead of feeling like a burden, God has given me such joy. As of late my home has been more of a passion than cooking, (mainly because of time allowances) but I love both. I have always appreciated good cooks and sharing recipes and cookbooks, and stories involving the kitchen . Families passing down recipes and traditions that are made around food. The wonderful memories of my youth that are centered around my grandmothers kitchen table.
The above blurb was to say that we all go through season's in our lives, and guess this is my season and believe me I am enjoying it. In the book "Hand Over the Chocolate and No One Gets Hurt" , Karen shares " there is something satisfying, rejuvenating, comforting about the seasons of the year. Seasons remind me that there is a time and a season for everything, and that "this too shall pass".They remind me that there is a pulse, a sequence, a journey set into motion by the hand of God himself. The seasons remind me daily of God's timing, of nature, of the ebb and flow of life."
I plan to enjoy this season of my life, and whichever season your in at the moment, I hope you are enjoying it to the fullest. Until next time,
God Bless!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
New Feature

Welcome back! Another cold day in January, but I'm so grateful for the sunny skies we had today, instead of the dreary blah gray sky, not to mention we didn't get the dicey mix of precipitation that they had predicted. So needless to say even though it was cold, I was happy that it could have been much worse. I know I must bore you all to tears with my weather/snow gratitude stories, but you don't know how grateful I am each morning I look out my window and don't see the "s" word out the window. I think it is beautiful to look at, but with the distance I travel back and forth to work, I don't like driving in it. So each morning it is a praise to God for me.
Did you all know that on the 14th of January was National Desk Day? Well I didn't know that

I know I mentioned pictures of Tori's cheer competition, but she off loaded them from her camera and I can't find where she off loaded them too. DUH! So hopefully soon I can share a few little snap shots of her at her last competition. Since the win last weekend, they will be going to regionals in February.
Before I leave, I have a prayer request. When you are doing your prayers could you please remember Michael's mom, Betty Sue in prayer. On Monday we got word that she has pancreatic cancer, but she went back to the doctor today and was told that she has a tumor the size of a tennis ball attached to a blood vessel, very close to her spleen and stomach. They aren't sure yet if it is operable or not. It if is, it could carry a high risk. So I just ask that you remember her in prayer. Thanks!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Mixed Bag

Hi (wavin) I am heading out the door tonight for a meeting at the church but wanted to post a little something. Actually tonight there is a million things that I would like to chat about but don't have the time. My mind is racing with all kinds of thoughts. Kinda feels like a hamster on a wheel, keeps going round and round and doesn't stop. If I have time after my meeting tonight, I will jot a few of the things down and blog about them later.
I hope you are staying warm, and not having to get out in the frigid cold weather. We were suppose to get a dicey mix of precipitation today, but so far nothing. Hoping it stays that way.
Hate to dart, but gotta get going. Have a blessed night.
Monday, January 21, 2008

Everyone, I am frazzeled, hence the name of this post. I spent all day yesterday working on this new look, with the help of a wonderful friend Pam. Believe me, I wouldn't be this far if it wasn't for her. She was my second set of eyes as well as tutor. As you can see I still have a small problem with the comment area of the post, but will work with that in time. Just bare with me. I still have all my links to add back in, but that will come with time. I hated that I lost all of my widgets that I had before, but that can be done relatively easy.
Since today is a holiday I am off work, but will have a full work week this week. Not sure what I will get done today...I do know that I have some paperwork to do for my employer today so will try to get that completed soon, so I am free the rest of the day. Who knows, Michael and I may decide to get out for a bit today. The temps are cold. It's about 7 degrees outside this morning. They are calling for snow tomorrow, really hoping that we don't get it. It was suppose to snow here on Saturday night, but didn't get it. Woo Hoo.
Just wanted to post a little note. May be back later to do a update....but I must get a few things done today...and this can be very addicting, so I must decipline myself.
Do you like this new look? I've always loved this set from Deb at PollyAnna Graphics. Here link is at the bottom of right hand column.
Feel free to leave me a little note to let me know you were here. So I can stop by and visit with you.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention....Tori had her cheer competition this past weekend and they won first place. I will see if I can find some pictures and post a few for you. They did awesome. Now we have to get ready to go to regionals. Woo Hoo! Don't sound like a proud mom do I?
May get by tonight or tomorrow for visits, hope all are doing great!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Winter Wonderland
Today I worked all day but ended up leaving about a hour early because it was snowing like crazy. It was a long and exhausting drive home, traffic was terrible and there were cars off the roads, just a mess. It took me over three hours to drive home this afternoon. Needless to say when I got home, I was to pooped to pop. Michael and I were the only ones here, so we had some soup and cheese and crackers and called it dinner. :) I am so blessed that he doesn't have to have a big huge meal everyday. I don't think I could physically do it if he did. Although I did get up and clean the kitchen and put out some fresh fruit that I picked up last night while we were out, and put out some big muffins for tomorrow morning breakfast for anyone that cares to partake.
Not sure what tomorrow holds as far as work is concerned. At this point I am going to try to go in if it doesn't do anything else tonight. But if it does, I might end up having to stay home and I really do need to be there if at all possible.
Looking forward to this weekend. I always enjoy three day weekends, but it is going to be very cold in the single digits so thinking we might be hanging around in the house this weekend, which wouldn't be a bad thing because I have quite a bit I could do. Tori has a cheer competition again this Saturday so will definitely go to that. Her last one for her Junior year. It's hard to believe she will be a senior soon.
Guess for now, I am going to run, go visit with Michael for a few more minutes and then I am going to hit the hay and call it a day. I hope you all have a pleasant evening.
Will be around to visit with you soon.

Sunday, January 13, 2008
My Lazy Sunday!

This young lady to my left was me today. I was out for a bit today and I was sporting my cool rays. Not to be cool, but because I needed them. It was rather cold today but the sun was shining so bright. It was gorgeous. The weather man called for snow today but so far we haven't gotten anything. Really hoping that we don't. I have already asked Michael if it does, if he could take me into work tomorrow. Between the weather and the darkness, I would prefer not to drive. So I am sure that Michael is hoping that it doesn't snow, cause I am sure he really would rather not have to leave the house in the AM at 4:30.

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Happy Saturday

QUESTION: Does anyone know how to get rid of the border boxes around my images? My border html reads Border="0" . Is there somewhere else I need to change my html? Help!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Catching you up
Hi all...I can't believe it is now Wednesday where has this week gone already. This is actually only my second day back at work this week. I had to be off on Monday for court. I was subpoenaed to court for the accident that I was in back in July of last year. Although nothing really came out of the hearing (have to go back) it was a beautiful day and Michael and I spent the rest of the day together.
The temps were in the 70's so we spent the day wondering the streets of a old historic town. This little town is situated on a hill and all the shops line the street, so were still decorated with lights and Christmas trimmings. Some of the streets are cobblestone and most of the homes and shops are old stone buildings, dating back to the 1700's. It is simply beautiful. It is one of my favorite little towns in all of Maryland. Anyway, after court we stopped in a quaint little coffee shop nestled back away from everything. It was one of those places that you could just go into and have a lovely private conversation, read a book or paper or just gaze out the window. As we sat there we just enjoyed the atmosphere and the slower pace of life that seemed to embellish this little shop. It was so adorable, I told Michael I could see myself having a little shop like that. Granted I would have had to have books in it too, but with all the pastries and breads, and light fayre it would be heavenly. I think it would make going to work a pure joy.
Once we finished up our treats and coffee we headed to some of the shops, but my favorites are the two antique shops in town. They are huge and we just spent time roaming around them. Wasn't really looking for anything in particular, but if was fun just the same to just wander. Granted I did come away with a couple of books. One being a cookbook. (I collect those, but plan to organize them in the coming month)
Spending all this time walking and enjoying the warm weather outside had gotten our appetites going. My little muffin from the coffee shop was long gone. So we headed to another little quaint restaurant, called The Trolley Stop.
The food was OUTSTANDING. Definitely a must to go back to. You can see from it's menu it has a variety of foods, but the restaurant inside has a huge stone fireplace and it reminds you of a pub/tavern. It was one of the best days that we have had just hanging out in a long time. No schedules, time to wonder, and just enjoy one anothers company. Hopefully there are more of those in store in the coming months as spring approaches. Anyway, that was my Monday.....
Tuesday was getting back into the groove of things with work. And after a long two hour drive home from work, I was totally exhausted, between the drive and my eyes, it was time for a nap. Needless to say it was surprising when I woke up from my nap at 7:30. But that was okay, I needed the sleep, plus I had to go out to a meeting last night, so didn't get home to get into bed until almost 10:30. So the nap did me good.
Today and the rest of the week, I am going to try to organize my schedules for my HMB (Home Management Binder). Haven't had a lot of time to devote to that since I created it, but my goal is by the weekend to have it equipped with my schedules. You wouldn't believe my to-do list for this weekend.
I didn't have breakfast this AM...so of course, my stomach is growling and that is making me think about dinner. I am thinking that tonight might be a good night for Chicken Spaghetti. Mmmmm Yum, and oh so easy.
Gotta scoot, hope you have a blessed Wednesday
Sunday, January 6, 2008
This morning I am having some discomfort with my eyes. They are extremely dry and I am using ALOT of tear drops. That seems to help but doesn't last very long. So I might find that I have to take plenty of rest today to just close my eyes and rest them. But the vision is still good, I am not complaining by any means, I know that the dry eyes is a process that I have to endure during the healing process.
Not alot going on with me today other than getting my house back in order. The temps are warmer than yesterday and I think by tomorrow they are suppose to be near 60 or so. I look forward to that.
Well Michael is ready to help me so guess I should get with it. Hope you all have a wonderful blessed Sunday.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
God is Good
When I got there, the staff was extremely nice and professional and tried to aleve my fears. Which is a good thing. they walked me through everything step by step. During the actual procedure one of the staff members held my hand through the whole thing. I'm grateful for that. I know at times I must have squeezed her hand till they ached. Not because of pain but because of the unknown. Bracing myself for what was to come. I was coached to remember to relax. Anyway, the procedure was short and sweet and uneventful. When I got ready to leave they presented me with a thank you card and a single rose. How sweet was that?
I am off for my follow up this morning and have to go back in about 10 days for another one. Just basically to make sure that the flap is healing well. This morning I am in no pain, the only discomfort is the dryness of my eyes, but it isn't unbearable. I have tons of drops that I have to use over the course of the next several days/weeks. Believe me, I am NOT complaining.
If there is anyone out there contemplating have the procedure, my advice is DO IT now and don't put it off any longer. I wish I hadn't of. It truly is one of the best thing I ever did for myself.
K...gotta scoot to my appt.
Hope you all have a wonderful blessed weekend.
UPDATE: I went to the doctor for my follow up this morning and they informed me I was doing great. I had 20/20 vision in my right eye and 20/40 in my left (this was my worse eye, legally blind in it). They informed me that my left eye vision will improve as days go by. Woo Hoo...
I actually drove for the first time today without corrective lenses. Too awesome! Anyhoo, just wanted to share my wonderful news.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
It's almost time
I know this isn't much of a post, but I wanted to hop on for a minute. Going to get myself ready for bed....4 AM comes early.
Have a blessed Friday.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Brrrrrrrrrrrrreary Cold Wednesday

I can't believe it is already Wednesday(and a Brrrr cold one at that)....only two more days of this week. WooHoo... I am really getting eager for Friday. I can't believe that I will finally have my Lasik eye surgery. I am just praying that it will be okay. Don't want to talk myself out of, this is something that I have waited years to do and it is finally happening.
I worked today. It was my first day back after being off for 12 days. It was hard in some ways to go back but will confess it was nice to get back into my routine. Granted there is always so much more that I would like to do while I am off, but run out of time. I actually will have a three day weekend this weekend, because I have to go to court as a witness for the car accident that I was in back in July. Not sure what is going to happen, but hopefully all this will be behind me soon.
Well ladies, I am going to take me a little nap I came home and slipped into my jammies and going to read a few minutes and rest while I have a quiet house to myself. Hope your having a great day.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year

This morning he and I got out early this morning and hit some shops and went to some fellowship meetings and just got back home. Now I am preparing dinner for tonight. I have all the kids here tonight so wanted to get a head start on things.
Have a list of things I want to have organized before heading back to work tomorrow, but hoping that I will get a little nap in this afternoon. Would kinda like to do some reading too, as I have a new book/series started. I started a book by Wanda Brunstetter, "The StoreKeepers Daughter". So good so far. Not sure I like her style the way that I do Beverly Lewis, but then again, I have been reading Beverly alot longer. In saying all that, I do enjoy the book.
K....going to get the rest of my dinner on. Talk to you all later.
Hope your new year will be everything you want and more.
PS....I added current pictures (Christmas 2007) to my Flickr Badge on the left.