"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Getting there, slow but surely

Oh my, I have spent the better part of the yesterday and early evening working  on getting everything transferred and updated, etc.  It never ends specially if your me, cause I am always wanting to add something else.  I keep saying “one more minute” and those minutes can turn into hours. My poor hubby.  But most of the technical stuff is done now  but I might do a little bit more “playing”. 

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”






So why the move you ask?  For awhile now I have wanted a new name for my blog. Although I am a firm believer that it is the little details in life that make it what it is, hence the old blog name “Life is in the Details”.  I’m a girl born and raised in the country and I love my country roots. I am a bit old fashioned and my dream is to someday own a big ole farmhouse.  So this is how the new name came to be. This is where I am today.




Anyway, yesterday was a perfect day for spending in the house and working on the computer, it was such a gloomy, dreary day here after having such a beautiful Monday.  Our temps on Monday got up to 80+ but yesterday our high was in the 50’s, with the rain stopping in the afternoon and skies became clear but the winds were high.  Our forecast for the next week or so is about the same alot of rain and cooler (cold) temps.  I am so ready for warmer weather and sunny days. 


Oh and the flowers, oh the flowers.  Seeing all the pretty colors  scattered one the ground. 

Right now we have  buttercups coming up everywhere in town.   This is one of the times I miss my yard.  I miss all the crocus and tulips blooming in the yard.   

Some pictures from my yard last spring. F


Daisies starting to come up


My clematis starting to grow up the trellis
My Lilacs blooming, I miss the way my yard smells when these are in bloom.
The Bradford Pear trees in bloom.




1 John 3:16“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”

Brought to you by BibleGateway.com. Copyright (C) . All Rights Reserved.


  1. I love your new blog and name, Cindy. :) Lots of fun stuff you have here, all the little bloggy add-ons, etc. I always loved that part of it, and miss blogging and sometimes I think what keeps me from it is a sense that I probably annoy people when I go for long stretches of time without blogging. Life is just so full. I sure hope this weather perks up for both of us! I'd love to see flowers peeking out, but we have so much snow yet. Wondering if it will ever melt. I think we will hit 50 today though. Yay. :) The pictures from your yard last spring are lovely! I hope you find your farmhouse. I sure can picture you there. :) XOXO

  2. Hi Cindy! So glad to have received an invite to visit your new home. It's just like you - warm, comfy, & inviting. I so hope you get your dream of your farmhouse one day. I can totally see yuo flourishing there! Love you Cindy! Enjoyed my visit with you here. Hugs

  3. Hey Cindy! Love the new home - so cozy in here!! I'd love an old farmhouse too but since I live in the crazy, squished big city where a house like that would be in the $2M range, that'll just have to remain a dream - hee hee.

    My crocuses are starting to poke their heads in my garden but I'm sure our cool weather isn't making them want to hurry out too soon. We're still about oh... 30-40 degrees below your temps up here.

    Hope you have a wonderful rest of your week and enjoy your new home! I'll be stalking you... I mean following you so I'll see ya 'round! xo

  4. Hi Cindy, the baby is asleep so I have a few minutes were I can actually type and say hi. I love your new blog. I just updated my blog and would love a visit. Do you have a new linkie? Maybe Judy could make you one so I can add it to my read list. Maybe you can get a large pot and plant some thing in there for now. :)


Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.(Proverbs 16:24)

Thank you for visiting with me today and for taking the time to leave me a little note so I can return the visit. Hope your having a blessed day! Hugs!



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