"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Saturday, August 30, 2008

This is where I plan to be

early Saturday morning having my coffee.





This is the fish pond in the back yard at Michael's folks house.  I love to sit out here in the early morning before the day gets started.  We are heading to Houston Friday afternoon after I get off work for the labor Day weekend.  Woo Hoo! Texas here we come!

Hope you have a wonderful Labor Day!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Rascals and Taylor

I can't believe that the weekend is almost over and I didn't do anything this weekend.  I feel like I just wasted my weekend....but I haven't felt like doing much.  I guess sometimes you need to do nothing.  It isn't because I didn't have things to do cause I did... You wouldn't believe my project list. 

Today I have just sat around and visited with my boys.  It has been awhile since they have both been here at the same time, and it was so nice.  RascalFlattsAlthough Derek and Nikki just left to go to Hershey Pa., they are going to see Rascal Flatts and taylor_swiftTaylor Swift tonight. I know I will see more of them now  that Football season is starting because they come here to watch the games. That makes me very happy.  I love my Sunday's in the fall.

This is going to be a busy week at work this week, and then on Friday Michael and I are heading off to Houston to visit with his family.  Primary reason is going to see his mom and check on her, but also Michael's sister has her 50th birthday, plus Michael will get a chance to celebrate his with his family.  His is actually on the 12th so he will be just a little early.  It will be nice for him, since he will get a chance to see his kids.

Just thought I would check in and say hi.  Hopefully I will get some blog visits in soon.  Thanks everybody that has stopped by, it means alot of know that I am not forgotten, and I haven't gotten you all either....just real life has been kinda chaotic for me lately.

Hope you had a wonderful blessed Sunday and the same for Monday.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

One of my favorite places

This morning I woke early and since I didn't have anything scheduled that I had to do, I have been kinda taking it easy. I piddled in the house for a little bit just mainly light maintenance work, but really don't feel up to getting into anything major today. In saying that, Michael is outside in the garage working on the molding to go around my bathroom and bedroom windows. A job that has been needing to be done almost a year.

Thought since I don't really have anything at the moment to show you, I thought I would share some wonderful pictures of Lancaster Pa. You know how I love Amish Country and I also love covered bridges and Fall so thought you might want to see one of reasons I am longing for Fall now. And yes Danna, there is a Intercourse Pa. smile_wink

Enjoy your tour of the awesome covered bridges of Lancaster.


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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A little blog fun

I saw this at Kathy's blog and thought it would be fun to play....let me know if you do this so I can check out your answers.

1. Where is your cell phone? sitting next to me

2. Where is your significant other? on the couch reading the paper

3. Your hair? naturally brown, bottled blonde

4. Your mother? getting ready for surgery tomorrow

5. Your father? not sitting still...he doesn't know how

6. Your favorite thing? not sure, I have alot of favorite things...but couldn't live without books, so will say that. 7. Your dream last night? who knows....

8. Your dream/goal? having a big cozy home in country with some land and a place for future grandchildren to roam and play.

9. The room you're in? family room

10. Your hobby? to many to mention

11. Your fear? creepy crawly things

12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? living in the south

13. Where were you last night? at the church

14. What you're not? energetic at the moment

15. One of your wish list items? a houseful of happy healthy family and friends

16. Where you grew up? Kentucky

17. The last thing you did? surfed the net

18. What are you wearing? pj's

19. Your TV? on

20. Your pet? one sweet adorable poochie, Mocha Bear

21. Your computer? addiction

22. Your mood? tired

23. Missing someone? yes

24. Your car? Kentucky Blue

25. Something you're not wearing? bra

26. Favorite store? Antique malls

27. Your summer? humid

28. Love someone? yes

29. Your favorite color? red

30. When is the last time you laughed? today

31. Last time you cried? not sure, but it hasn't been that long ago

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's my Monday!

Wow what a weekend! I know it's Tuesday but today is my Monday! I took a extra day this weekend so that I could have a three day weekend. I wanted some much needed "Me" time. So yesterday I just spent at home accomplishing things on my to do list. I had numerous little decorating projects that had been calling for me to tackle but just finding the time to do them was unreal.

Anyway, let me backtrack. Friday when I got off from work, Michael and I went out to dinner with some friends and got AUCE Maryland crabs, king crab legs, and steamed shrimp. Can you say YUM! It was so good. We try to go there at least once a year and it was so worth it this time. We all enjoyed it so much. The evening was perfect as the temps have been somewhat cooler for this time of year. Outside it was a light sweater night. PERFECT!

On Saturday morning, we headed out to some yard sales, but really didn't find much. We eventually wondered over to a auction. What a auction it was for me. NOt that I got alot of great things, (although I did get a few things that were on my mental list of decorating helps!) :) But what I got was in great condition and old. The estate being sold off was from a 90 year old woman who passed away in February. She had oodles and oodles of stuff. I came home with one hugh box of cookbooks. Yes I know, I must be crazy, but these are so much fun. She has little notes wrote the margins, and tons of newspaper cutouts from years ago. In the collection as well was several scrapbooks of what our area looked like in the early 1900's. Amazing! Did I say a TON? These were pulled out of a pile of junk that Michael bought for $1.

What else can I tell you about.... I also got a 12 placesetting of Christmas dishes for $2. I think they are very pretty and I do like them, just not sure yet how I will use them because I tend to decorate a little more country than most. But might just have to decorate using them this year.

I took a picture off of all my goodies after we unloaded it into the garage, but haven't uploaded the pictures from the camera. Maybe I can do that tonight.

Sunday I spent at home basically playing catch up from the last week and the auction day. Saturday we also went to the grocery store but when I got home was to tired to put the stuff away, only the cold got taken care of....so I had all that to put away, cleaned out the fridge, unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, washed new glassware from the auction, did laundry(washed, dryed, folded and put away), helped Michael in the yard with a new shed, and all those things that we have to stop for because we get sidetracked. I don't know if you ever do that, but I certainly do. I am constantly starting something just to get sidetracked and reminded whilst I am working on one thing that I need to do this or that and then I scoot along to something else, not completely finishing up what I started. :) For me it is best if I stick to list. I have a hard time staying focused when I am in the house working on decorating.

Yesterday was spent working on my little list of projects. I've had a increasing list of items that I have wanted to update with some black spray paint, so I finally got that taken care of. That was a a great feeling, and a load off my shoulders, I had also picked up some lovely little prints at a yard sale weeks ago, but HATED the frames they were in, so I painted them black and distressed them weeks ago, but never got them hung. Well I did yesterday too. Love them! Now I am thinking that I have several more old frames that I don't like the look of, that I most likely will paint too. I went through six cans of spray paint yesterday and still didn't have enough of the projects that I did. I need at least a few more. I have a metal lamp that I want to spray so that it matches the rest of the a lamps in my family room. So most likely I will be working on that this weekend. I will try to post some of finished projects soon. Believe me there are many.

Yesterday I decided to start a sourdough bread starter. The recipe I used for the starter was super easy. Michael loves sourdough bread so thought this would be a good way to keep in him the dough. :) Keep your fingers crossed it turns out.

Well ladies, I need to scoot, have a blessed Tuesday!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

A wonderful fall give away

Linda over at Behind the red door is having a giveaway.  I hope you will stop over and let her know that I sent ya.  Just look at the wonderful goodies she is giving away.


Check it out!


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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A week half over

Happy Wednesday everyone, hope this finds you all having a great week. I can't believe that it is already the middle of the week, not sure where the time is going this year, but seems to be getting away from me. Although when I look back on the year, I feel that I have gotten much accomplished but wish I was farther down my list. Make sense? Am I ever happy with my progress?
One thing that I haven't done real good at is my blogging (sorry ya'll)...kinda been taking a break from posting as there really isn't much to share but the same ol stuff...so have just been quite. Been using my blogging time for different things...I know with Fall upon us, I will want to spend my evening cuddled up with Michael and watching some tv or just talking. We really need that time as a couple and with our work schedules as they are, that doesn't leave much time to spend together unless it is in the evenings.

Speaking of Fall, I am so ready for it. The weather here has been strange for August. This morning while driving into work it was 55 degrees and the high yesterday was only 77. Great weather for me. Wish it would stay that way. It is suppose to be cool again tonight and rain, so thinking that I might go home from work tonight and make a big pot of soup. That sounds yummy to me.

Michael and I did get away this past weekend. We went up to Lancaster Pa (Amish Country) and had such a wonderful time. Actually the purpose of the trip is he purchased a antique library table off of ebay and we had to go up there to pick it up. I love it. Can't wait to show you the pictures. Anyway, we spent the days wondering through the antique shops in the area and beyond. Now I just have to take a weekend to go up there and get to Bird-in-Hand and Intercourse. Two of my favorite little towns.

Well ladies, I need to scoot. I will try to get around and visit soon.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thoughtful Thursday

Hi ya'll. Thought before the weekend rolls around again, I better tell you what I've been up to this week.

This weekend I have been spent trying to keep up with everything at the house so that Michael and I can go away this weekend for a little getaway without having any cares while I am gone. Woo Hoo! Today is Tori's last day at her 'salon' job so she will be coming/moving back home. It will be wonderful to have her back at home. I have really missed her while she was at her dad's. Granted I know she misses her dad, and spending time over at his house is nice but she doesn't see him as much as she would like because of his work schedule. Guess she probably sees him more when he comes to visit with her at our house or they meet for dinner someplace . That way she has his undivided attention. Since Michael and I are going away though, she will go back to her dads for the weekend. At least he should be home and so she will be able to spend some time with him.

Michael and I have been so busy with our work schedules and everything else this summer we didn't even take a vacation. Mainly because we have made trips to Texas to visit with his mom and felt that was more important. Speaking of Texas we are planning to head back out there again over Labor Day. His mom has been having some more issues so please continue to pray for her. We feel truly blessed that she has done as well as she has, but she has been battling and fighting so much lately with fevers, sickness, and complications on top of the new chemo that they have put her on.

Last week, we took Tori to get her Senior pictures made, and we got to view the proofs on Tuesday night. It's hard for me to believe how grown up she looks and is. In a couple of weeks she will be 17 years old. I married her father at 17. I remember feeling quite mature for 17, and thought I was ready for marriage. But I can not imagine Tori wanting to get married at 17. Now I know what my poor parents must have gone through when I mentioned marrying at such a young age. Isn't it amazing how it takes having children of our own to realize what we put our parents through. Most people would say it was a mistake that we married so young but I have never felt that. Even though the marriage ended in divorce, it was a good marriage and still to this day I feel that it was right. I don't think age had anything to do with the divorce.

Really need to close and scoot. Hope you have a blessed rest of the week.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Yard Sale Finds

Hey girls....I decided it was time to share a few of my yard sale finds.  So this is going to be a mod podge of pictures. This season has been filled with me gathering little treasures here and there. I love finding something old and used that I can bring home and make it feel loved and beautiful.  You don't have to spend a fortune to make your home  more you.

One of my favorite little vignettes of goodies is this one. I would much rather have it on a bookshelf with a collection of my old books, but don't have one in this house that I can use, but someday. typewriter vignette I have had this fan for a while now, but it has been in storage because I didn't really have anything else to put with it.  I got the typewriter at a antique shop near my house, and Michael bought the camera.  My girlfriend gave me these little glasses in the case. 

Old luggage...love it, I have two pieces that I picked up at different yard sales for $1 each. luggage I would like to have one more so that I could eventually use it as a table if the opportunity presents itself.   At the moment, this is atop my shrunk surrounded by some of Longaberger baskets. 

Lookie what else I found along with Boyd's bears( I don't have pictures of yet)queen bee doll Isn't this doll to die for?  Definitely one of my new favorites.  I couldn't wait to get her out.  At the moment, I have her hanging on a door.  Haven't found the perfect home for her yet.  But I will. 

Now for the last find that I will share today...this is my new secretary, but will tell you that it has changed quitesecretary a bit since I took this picture.  I will have to share another updated one soon.  But this is it several weeks ago.  Two weeks ago I picked up a antique chair for $2. that I have sitting here now.  Will try to get a updated picture this weekend.  Plus I have picked up some cute little desk-y items.

I don't know about you, but I am always looking for new ideas to display and arrange my goodies, so if you have any tips or hints, I would appreciate hearing them. The past two weekends, I have been rearranging and playing with my new goodies.  Trying to find the perfect little home. I should probably take some ariel views of the rooms so you can see things all together.  That would give you a better idea of what I have to work with.  Huh?




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