Here it is another week almost gone, so I thought if I was going to do any posting that I had better get on it. This week has been filled with all kinds of things. Work has been kinda crazy with some major moving going on. Of course that makes for a busy day at work, and on top of that, I just got word that my job may be going away in I have been trying to figure out what I should do. I am pretty calm about this, as I do believe that God will provide one way or another. He knows what is best for me and He knows this is something that has been on my mind and heart for awhile. So I just have to leave it up to him to chose my route to take.
My kids have gotten home from their vacation to the ocean, and they are all back to work. Tori is leaving tomorrow for cheer camp for four days. This will be her last cheer camp. She will start cheer tryouts the middle of August. And then we are back to football games and school activities. Since Tori has gotten her license it has made running around and doing errands much easier. She starts school the end of August. It's hard to believe that summer is coming to a end already.
Every morning when I drive to work, I notice that it is staying darker longer in the morning. Usually by the time 5:45 rolled around it was light outside, but in the last several weeks, I have noticed that it is getting lighter later. Fall is going to be here soon.
Fall is my favorite time of the year. I am getting eager for cooler weather, I just don't like cold weather. Can you ever please me?
* Below post from Homemaking site

Sitting here thinking about how time is flying by. Can't believe it's been as long as it has since I last posted. Not enough hours in the day. Please don't ask me why because quite honestly I am to tired to think. Seems like lately I just go through the motions? Do you ever do that? I feel like I am on autopilot. I do what I have to, and then everything else, just goes by the way side. As fast as time is going, summer will be over.
One thing that I love about the summer months is the yard sales. You can get some

I have started getting my fall magazines in the mail and my head is reeling with decorating ideas. Already have my decorating list started. I do this every year so I can implement new ideas, I don't know about you, but I know me, if I don't write it down when I think about it, it will be lost in my sea of thoughts. I typ

Not only do I love the look of my house during this time of the year, but the smells of simmering hot soups and apple cider. Something about the dimmly lit rooms and brisk air outside and curling up with a quilt is appealing to me. Spending time in nature trapsing through pumpkin patchs, and farmers markets picking out gourds, and indian corn. Going to fall festivals and apple harvest where they are making homemade apple butter...mmmmmmm, yummy. Carmel apples, need I go on. Are you ready for fall too? I hope you will share with me some of your favorite things to do for fall and some decorating tips.
Fortunately I live in a wonderful area for these type of events. Every weekend there is so much to do, during that time of year. Michael and I are discussing heading to Vermont, Maine and Boston in October. What a perfect time of year to do that. Hopefully it will happen.
Anyway,enough of this for now, gotta scoot.
Note: Lemonade photo courtesy of Country Sampler Magazine.