Good Morning! Oh how I wish we could really sit and talk over a cup of coffee or tea, or coke if that is your preference. But since that isn’t possible this is the next best thing.
Yesterday I spoke of praying and wanting a new home. Well I have been “pinning” lots of ideas for a new place. After moving as much as I have in 35+ years I kinda know what I would like to have in a home. Check out some of these ideas I have pinned.
I love barn doors!

Federal Grove History
In 1785, General Jonathan Clark (eldest brother to William Clark of the Lewis & Clark Expedition) was awarded 10,000 acres of land for his Revolutionary War service. The land grant had to be taken west of the Green River in Kentucky. His first stop was here at Federal Grove where his daughter, Eleanor and Son-in-law, Benjamin Temple would in 1805 establish Federal Grove, a 1,700 acre plantation. At the peak of Federal Grove in 1840, the farm had grown to over 2,000 acres, had 26 slaves and a sizeable wheat, corn, and livestock operation. At the death of Mr. Temple, Eleanor left Federal Grove and later sold the property to Captain Harrison Wood.Captain Wood re-named the settlement Woodville and established a general store, blacksmith shop and one room schoolhouse on the site of current Federal Grove in the late 1850’s. As the Civil War unfolded, it is said that Captain Wood fled for Texas in fear of his life. Although there were never any battles near Federal Grove, it was a major thoroughfare for traveling soldiers of both Union and Confederate forces. As they traveled they simply took anything they needed along the way.
In 1871 a young gentleman farmer by the name of James Monroe Hall purchased Federal Grove and the property remained in the Hall family until 1991.