"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness" 2 Corinthians 12:9

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Am I crazy yet?

Ok…don’t answer that.  I feel awful that I haven’t been around to visit with you all, but I am knee deep in boxes, and a array of odds and ends that I don’t know what to do with it. Or how to pack.

Normally at this time of year, I would be engrossed in all the festivities of the holiday season, not this year, and it has bummed me a bit.  Haven’t bought the first present and not sure when I will. Our plans are to move on the 18th into a 2 bedroom apt, however, it all depends on when our appraisal comes back..which is being done today.  UGH!  Anyway, if we can get into our apt by the 18th, I will get a chance to put my tree up for my kids, and possibly do some baking, among boxes, but that’s okay.

But right now, I am taking it day to day….


My dining room table loaded with things I don’t know how to pack.


Kitchen counters covered with “stuff” that doesn’t have a home. Several of the cabinets are already empty, however I am saving this room for last to pack.


This is the family room, and I have packed most of the things in here already, the things I haven’t packed will be moved to the apt to use there. (I am having to pack for immediate use in the apt, as well as pack to store for long term)  What a job!20101207_71Another pile of “stuff” in the living room that I don’t know how to pack. But most of this room has been emptied out.

Basically I have cleaned out EVERY drawer, closet, bathroom cabinet, nook and crannies except the kitchen and packed it away.  About all that is left is our garage and my hubby’s office to go through. 

Girls if you have any tips or hints, PLEASE do share…I could use them.

Hope you all are enjoying the season, and really wish I could share more of it with you….but hoping soon things will be better for me. 

John 11:25“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies;”

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