So you wonder what I have been up too, huh? Bunches of stuff going on with me and my family. At the moment, just trying to keep our heads above water. We are busy,busy in the middle of doing some renovations in our house, and seems like every spare moment is taken up with that. Some of the things we are doing is we have ripped up the old carpet in the living room so wonderful hubby can install wood flooring. He installed all wood flooring on the main level of the house 18 months or so ago and we left the LR until later, it is now later.
We ripped off old wallpaper in the dining room (which I liked but hubby didn't,

but we were ready for a crisp new look) and repainted the room (country white) as well as the LR (butter cookie). In order to do all this, we have had to rent a storage unit and move furniture into it so that we could move around. My LR and DR has a open concept so we had to remove almost everything for all the supplies and tools. So we truck back and forth to the unit to get what we need until it is complete. Hubby is also framing in my LR windows to give the room a more custom feel. Over the last several years we have redone almost all the house, and that is
THE one thing we have done in every room. It is such a small and inexpensive thing but makes such a big difference. Once all rooms are completely finished we will be ripping out all the carpet on our second floor. Whoopee!!!! So I am in the mist of looking at carpet samples. It's gotta be something that doesn't show dirt, and can handle high traffic. Especially the steps. Thinking maybe a berber. Any tips?
On top of all this, my sons have been looking for jobs. One down and one to daughter took ill and was out of commission for over a week, running extremely high fevers. Three night in a row at the ER. Doctors thought she had mono but all the test came back negative, but she was exposed to it and it was kicking her little butt. I am so glad she is feeling much better and is back in school. My aunt passed away unexpectedly and it was a total I had to make a quick trip to Kentucky for her burial. Needless to say, there have been many days that I felt like I was on "auto pilot". Doing all this on top of trying to work full time, the only time I missed work was for my aunt funeral. Whew!

My step son is getting married this weekend, so have had to shop for "something to wear". I picked out a little sleeveless navy with small white polka dots (so Julie Roberts) and the
cutest shoes. Still haven't packed, but looking forward to the trip.It will be nice to visit with hubby's siblings and his kids. It also happens to be my first anniversary so hubby and I are going to take a few days afterwards and get some R&R. Believe me we both could use it. It has been a highly stressful time for us. with everything that has been going on.
We will be in the
Gatlinburg this weekend, and I can't imagine a more perfect place than the mountains to celebrate Easter and our anniversary. Once we get back, we will have to gear up for my daughters graduation and a party for her. It is hard to believe that my baby is graduating from high school in just a few short weeks. Where does the time go?
Ok...I wasn't going to write a book...just a update. Hope all is well with you and your families and your enjoying this Easter season.